Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
Butler Community College
Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
I. Definitions
For the purpose of this policy
- Smoking is defined as the lighting, burning, or use of tobacco or any other material in any type of smoking device or equipment.
- Tobacco includes but is not limited to smoking tobacco, chew, snuff, snus, and dipping tobacco. This policy also prohibits the use of lit or unlit cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, clove cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, bidis, blunts, cigarillos, smokeless tobacco or any item that simulates any of the previously mentioned products.
With prior approval, theatre productions may be exempt from this policy when the use of simulated smoke or tobacco products is integral to a production or performance.
II. Background and Rationale
The background and rationale of this policy is because 1) Butler Community College supports the health, safety, and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and visitors and 2) the Surgeon General has determined that the use of tobacco and exposure to second hand smoke cause preventable disease, Butler campuses must be free of tobacco and second hand smoke. Each year, more than 440,000 people die prematurely of diseases caused by smoking, accounting for 1 out of every 5 deaths in the United States (CDC 2010). In addition to creating health hazards, tobacco and smoke increase institutional costs, including the costs of paying for fire damage, cleaning and maintenance, property and health insurance, and absenteeism.
III. Policy
A. Effective August 1, 2013, Butler Community College prohibits the use of tobacco by students, faculty, staff and visitors on its campuses.
B. This policy applies to all previously mentioned tobacco products and all visitors, including vendors and contractors.
C. The use of tobacco products is prohibited
- In all interior spaces on Butler Community College campuses;
- On all outside property or grounds of Butler Community College campuses including partially enclosed areas such as walkways and breezeways.
- In Butler Community College vehicles, including buses, vans, and all other College vehicles;
- In all indoor and outdoor athletic facilities associated with Butler Community College.
D. Organizers and attendees at public events held in or at Butler facilities are required to abide by the tobacco free policy. The organizers of these events, which include conferences, meetings, and lectures and social, cultural, and sporting events, are responsible for both communicating the policy to attendees and enforcing it.
E. The College prohibits the campus-controlled advertising, sale, or free sampling of tobacco products on campus.
F. Campus organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies.
IV. Compliance
Butler Community College expects all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to comply with this policy. Members of the campus community may respectfully inform others of the policy to increase awareness and compliance.
An individual who notes a violation of this policy should
- Informally attempt to resolve the problem by requesting that the violator comply with the policy.
- If the informal attempt fails, contact the Office of Human Resources or Office of the Vice President of Student Services for referral to the appropriate administrative official.
Repeat violations shall be dealt with according to established student, faculty, and staff codes of conduct, policy, and procedures