Document downloads - Great Plains Conference on Acceleration You are here: Home Document downloads Conferences downloads Great Plains Conference on Acceleration downloads Available downloads GPCA Flyer Flyer on Call to Conference 2019 Great Plains Conference on Acceleration FlyerFile type: PDFSize: 253.67 KBDownload Great Plains Conference 2022 Presentation Materials The ABCs of Academic WorkFile type: PDFSize: 904.67 KBDownload M. Renfrow Building Confidence & CompetencyFile type: PDFSize: 7.17 MBDownload Trenary Montgomery Kidd OER & Dev. Ed.File type: PDFSize: 2.49 MBDownload C. Teubner Annotations crib sheetFile type: DOCXSize: 13.18 KBDownload C. Teubner Reading Log BFile type: DOCXSize: 14.09 KBDownload C. Teubner Reading Log AFile type: DOCXSize: 16.99 KBDownload C. Teubner Using Backward DesignFile type: PPTXSize: 3.07 MBDownload C. Teubner Assignment typesFile type: DOCXSize: 15.03 KBDownload C. Teubner PDX assignmentsFile type: DOCXSize: 831.45 KBDownload C. Teubner All Aboard!File type: PPTXSize: 2.72 MBDownload Part 1 2022 GPCA Math Presentation on TransitionsFile type: PPTXSize: 1.13 MBDownload J. Buchhorn Rigorous SupportFile type: PPTXSize: 891.96 KBDownload Cox McBee Year Two of the PandemicFile type: PDFSize: 345.25 KBDownload Part 2 2022 GPCA Math Presentation on Transitioning to Math ModulesFile type: PPTXSize: 237.62 KBDownload Butler ALP student signature sheetFile type: DOCXSize: 34.52 KBDownload Bradley McCoskey Planting & GrowingFile type: PPTXSize: 160.63 KBDownload Dunning Article ex Why people fail to recognize incompetence 2022 GeddesFile type: PDFSize: 72.09 KBDownload Geddes Building STEM Students' Academic Work CompetenceFile type: PDFSize: 1.31 MBDownload