Scholarship Information
2025-2026 Scholarships
You may apply for Butler academic scholarships following your sixth semester of high school. The application process and priority dates for other scholarships vary.
2024-2025 Scholarships
Students may be required to complete the FAFSA for some scholarships as well as a separate scholarship application. Types of Scholarships
- Academic Scholarships: Eligible students are Full-Time, Regularly Admitted, Degree Seeking College Students that have never attended another college since graduating from High School in 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024. College classes taken prior to your first regularly admitted semester do not affect offering Deans or Presidential Scholarships but can affect future eligibility. Scholarships may be awarded to graduates of either accredited or non-accredited institutions based on their ACT, SAT or GED scores. Graduates of accredited institutions may also be awarded based on their overall high school GPA including at least six completed semesters of high school. The seventh or eighth semester of high school can increase an award for these scholarships, but will not reduce an award. Students must complete 12 credit hours each semester with the required GPA to maintain academic scholarship eligibility. For scholarship purposes, Butler recognizes schools accredited by agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. A scholarship application is required and available through MyButlerCC by clicking on the Scholarships tile. The scholarship application deadline for the fall semester is August 1st, the scholarship deadline for the spring semester is January 1st, and the scholarship deadline for the summer semester is May 1st. This policy affects students that are applying for the first time for an academic scholarship during the 2024-2025 academic year. Students that have earned their associate degree are no longer eligible for academic scholarships. Apply Now
- Kansas Promise Scholarship: This State of Kansas scholarship program covers tuition, fees, and books for eligible Kansas residents enrolled in specific academic programs. It is a ‘last dollar’ scholarship program that covers eligible charges after all other scholarships and grants are applied. More information regarding the Kansas Promise Scholarship can be found at You may also contact the Financial Aid Office by emailing or calling 316-322-3121.
- Activity/Athletic Scholarships: These are provided by various departments to students who wish to participate in activities such as sports, livestock judging, radio/television, theatre, music, spirit squad, academic peer tutoring, and the Student Government Association. Scholarship selection and award is determined by the activity sponsor or division. Contact a representative
- Butler Foundation Scholarships
- To apply for academic and Foundation scholarships, apply online at Students are encouraged to apply early. All Foundation scholarships vary in amount and criteria. Students must have an overall grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale to be eligible to receive a Foundation scholarship. Award notifications will be sent to the student's Butler email. Visit the Foundation webpage at, email, or call 316-323-6737.
The Butler Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization that exists to provide support for the college. The Foundation solicits and accepts gifts of cash and other assets including deferred gifts and gifts-in-kind. Established in 1966, the Foundation is governed by a board of directors representing Butler’s service area and is responsible for maintaining donor and alumni information. Disbursements from endowed scholarships as well as annual scholarships are provided to students and administered by the Foundation through the Financial Aid Office.
- Butler Access Scholarships These limited scholarships are offered on a first-come, first-served basis to any re-entry student who has not attended high school or college courses during the past 12 months, does not have a college degree, and is not eligible to receive a Pell Grant. Students must have completed high school in the United States or received their GED at least 12 months prior to application. The student is required to pay for books and fees; the college pays the tuition for the classes, for a maximum of 6 credit hours. These are one time, one semester scholarships that are non-renewable. Contact Financial Aid for more details. Apply Now
- Technical Scholarships: These scholarships are provided as an incentive for students who could not or would not otherwise enroll in technical programs at Butler. Awards are based on full-time or half-time enrollment. The student must provide other costs themselves. Students can receive this scholarship for up to 4 semesters if they meet the following criteria each semester:
- Students awarded a full scholarship must complete 12 hours with a 2.0 GPA.
- Part-time students must complete 6 hours with a 2.0 GPA. Apply Now
- State of Kansas Scholarships The state of Kansas provides various scholarships. Examples: State, Nursing, Career Technical Workforce Grant, and Kansas Promise. Applications and a complete list of scholarships are available through their website at
- Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society for the two-year college. PTK members are recognized for their academic achievement as well as their community service, fellowship, and leadership. The four hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa, our guiding principles for programming, include: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship. Our many traditions and customs make this society a Fellowship of Scholars. Butler's chapter is Alpha Phi Alpha. To be eligible for Phi Theta Kappa, you must have an institutional cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better, be currently taking classes at Butler, and have completed at least 12 credit hours (100 level or higher) at Butler. Apply Now