Attendance Policy | Butler Community College

Attendance Policy

Butler Community College is not an attendance taking school.  This means that instructors are not required to take or report attendance, and that your grade cannot be directly tied to your attendance.  However, this definitely does not mean you should skip your classes.  Many professors still take attendance as a regular practice, and while your grade cannot be directly linked with attendance, if you miss a class you could miss activities or assignments that an instructor will only accept if you are present.  Further, excessive unexcused absences (20% of the total scheduled meeting times) along with failing the course could result in an instructor withdrawing you from their course.   

If you need to miss a class because of a school related activity, illness, or something else it is important you reach out and discuss this with your professor.  If you are a participant in the Early College Academy you should also communicate with your assigned director.  Participating and attending courses is an integral part of the college experience and central to your successful completion of the course requirements.   

You can find more information about Butler’s attendance policy in the Student Handbook.