Health Risks and Safety Strategies | Drug & Alcohol Prevention | Butler Community College

Drug & Alcohol Prevention

Health Risks and Safety Strategies

Drugs of Abuse

Get accurate information about the effects of common drugs of abuse

Understanding the Opioid Overdose Epidemic

Protect yourself from the dangers of Fentanyl


Fentanyl Facts (PDF)

T-Break Guide

Blood Alcohol Level

Learn why it is important to understand the impact of alcohol on the body

Harm reduction and safety strategies

  1. Educate yourself and others about BAC (blood alcohol content) and the effects of other drugs.
  2. Be aware that use of alcohol and drugs can lead to addiction and increase mental health concerns.
  3. When socializing, stay with friends and make sure everyone is safe.
  4. Have a buddy system.
  5. Surround yourself with good people.
  6. Be an active bystander and speak up to help others if you see concerning behavior.
  7. Do not drive while under the influence of any drug and never get into a car with an intoxicated driver.