Veterans Application Checklist | Butler Community College

Veterans Application Checklist

If you want to apply for Veterans Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits, please follow this checklist. If you are also applying for tuition assistance, please visit the Military Tuition Assistance page.

If you have any questions about this process or you are a first time student please contact:

Amy Cyphers
[email protected]

  1. Apply for Admissions at BCC
  2. SEND ALL Official Transcripts to BCC Registrar’s Office-including military transcripts.
    All official transcripts must be on file before enrollment information can be sent to VA.

    Community College of the Air Force
    AARTS/Army/ACE Registry Transcript System
    SMART Sailor Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript
    U.S. Coast Guard
  3. Enroll in courses with Academic Advisor. You must follow degree/certificate program in the college catalog. Let the advisor know you plan on using VA educational benefits.
    Please Note: The academic advisor is there to help you choose your courses not advise on military benefits

    Kendall Bernstorf, Butler Service Center, Academic Advisor,
    Aaron Slemp, Butler of Andover, Academic Advisor
  4. Choose your Chapter! Some students may be eligible for multiple benefit chapters.

    Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill®- Active Duty, Discharged, Retired.
    Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation-student works directly with Case Manager in Wichita.
    Chapter 33 - Post 911 GI Bill®- For students serving active duty after 9/11/2001.
    Chapter 33 - Post 911 Dependents – Post 911-Veteran can transfer benefits to dependent(s).
    Chapter 35 - Dependents Educational Assistance- Military disabled or deceased veteran can transfer benefits to spouse or child.
    Chapter 1606 - Selected Reserve Assistance Program - Students who are currently actively drilling with Guard or Reserve.
  5. Apply online for VA benefits You can use this link to apply with VA.
    Please be aware when selecting Chapter 33-Post/911 you may be required to forfeit another benefit. Make sure to research which Chapter is best for you.
  6. Submit Enrollment Certification Request Form and supporting documentation to Amy Cyphers, VA Certifying Official. This form must be turned in each semester in order for your enrollment to be sent to VA.

    Amy Cyphers, 316-323-3102 or [email protected].

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at