Fine Arts & Communications

Explore and Expand your Talents
At Butler, you can learn to draw, act, or communicate from working professionals. Whether you dance, take pictures, sing in the choir or play the saxophone, Butler offers you both intellectual and physical opportunities to excel. By using a hands-on, individualized approach, our instructors teach you both the core elements and some advanced principles in their field. Learn your discipline here and go straight to work or transfer to a university.
Butler's Fine Arts programs are nationally known and our Communications students bring home awards each time they compete. Find the path that best suits you.
Still Can’t Decide?
It’s okay! If you can’t decide which major program/pathway you want to start on, then select the MetaMajor pathway and still earn your two-year degree in an area where you’re most passionate. You can stay on track to graduate while you explore your options. And rest easy – the MetaMajor degree still transfers to your university of choice.