The Grizzly Magazine | Butler Community College

The Grizzly Magazine

Are you looking for a career in writing for national or international magazines? Butler has a high-gloss, full-color student magazine, The Grizzly, which comes out three to four times during the academic year. When working for this award-winning magazine, you focus on all aspects of magazine publishing - writing, photography, management, layout/design, estimating costs and budgeting. The Grizzly allows students to examine all aspects of campus life in more depth than allowed by a weekly newspaper.


Grizzly logo large

Activity scholarships, which cover tuition (equivalent to that paid by Kansas in-county residents) and books, are available each semester for The Grizzly staff. You do not need to major in mass communications to be on staff or to apply for a scholarship.

Members of The Grizzly staff have claimed Journalist of the Year awards for nine of the past ten years from the Kansas Associated Collegiate Press, in addition to numerous other awards. Former staff members are employed at commercial publications or have transferred to four-year schools.

For more information, contact:

Keith West, Ph.D., Advisor

316.322.3194 (toll-free from Wichita/Metro Area)

316.322.3194 (outside Wichita/Metro Area)