OSHA Training Now Available at Butler Community College

Butler Community College is now offering OSHA training. Classes will be held daily through Butler’s BETA corporate training department located in Andover. Butler was recently approved as one of seven.
Courses provide certification and specific training in construction, healthcare, manufacturing and hospitality OSHA requirements. Technical courses on high hazards, occupational safety and environmental compliance topics offer training in the latest health and safety standards.
These certified OSHA courses are designed to help participants understand standards and learn the skills they need to know so they can avoid costly fines and dangerous accidents. CEUs (continuing education units) are available for many of these courses. Other certifications are also offered.
“BETA is excited to provide classes that will assist our industry partners in maintaining OSHA compliance and elevating their company’s safety programs,” said Michelle Ruder, Director of BETA. “Butler Community College offers organizations a local resource for their current federal safety requirements.”
BETA (Business Education & Training Analysis) offers companies, organizations and individuals opportunities for growth in the marketplace. The BETA training experience helps individuals learn new technical skills, expand their knowledge base and cultivate innovation and cooperation. This corporate trainer within Butler Community College brings globally connected solutions to a locally-supported learning environment.
Group training in OSHA specific courses is also available. Whether it’s at Butler or at the company, BETA can certify a safety team that meets the latest OSHA standards.
More about Regional Training
Kansas is part of the four-state Region Seven OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Center that is located at Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City. According to OSHA, “The OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers are a national network of non-profit organizations authorized by OSHA to deliver occupational safety and health training to public and private sector workers, supervisors, and employers on behalf of OSHA.”
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