‘Batman’ movies executive producer delivers inspirational talk to Butler audience

Uslan shared his personal story of the struggles and triumphs he experienced while working to bring his unique version of Batman to the silver screen.
El Dorado, Kan. – “Get off the couch and make something happen,” was the message delivered to those attending Butler Community College’s Harold C. Smith Cultural Series last night. The message came from Michael Uslan, originator and executive producer of the Batman movie series – starting with Tim Burton’s 1989 film, continuing through Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy, and most recently into Warner Bros. Pictures’ The Lego Movie (2014) and Zack Snyder’s forthcoming Superman vs. Batman, due for a summer 2016 release.
Uslan, author of “The Boy Who Loved Batman: A Memoir,” visited Butler’s Andover location in the afternoon on Nov. 4, spending time with students in the Storyboarding for Digital Media and Web Graphics classes as well as high school students in Butler’s Early College IT Academy. He then traveled to Butler’s El Dorado location for the evening presentation entitled “From Fan to Filmmaker: The Journey to Bring Batman to the Silver Screen.” Following his talk, a public reception was held with a book signing.
Those attending the evening address were reminded that while others may tell us something can’t be done -- if we believe otherwise in our hearts -- then we should be persistent to see it through. He added, "If you don't believe them when they tell you, you can't do it. Then, you can't believe them when you prove them wrong and they begin to tell you how good you are. "He said, just believe in yourself and work hard, and it will go well.
Uslan shared his personal story of the struggles and triumphs he experienced while working to bring his unique version of Batman to the silver screen. He shared how he was told “No,” not once or twice, but repeatedly for ten years, but never gave up.
Uslan’s talk was held at 7 p.m. in the Hubbard Welcome Center on Butler’s El Dorado campus. The event was provided free of charge as part of the Harold C. Smith Cultural Series, established in 1998 following Harold Smith’s death. The Harold C. Smith Cultural Series was created to provide free, unique cultural opportunities for Butler County residents. Smith attended El Dorado High School and then El Dorado Junior College (now Butler Community College) before attending Northwestern University in Chicago in 1930.
For more information about the Harold C. Smith Cultural Series contact Mary Moon, executive director of community advancement, at 316.218.6338 or email mmoon@butlercc.edu.
Arrangements for the appearance of Michael Uslan were made through the Greater Talent Network, Inc., New York, NY.
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