Butler’s Automotive Technology Program Received Reaccreditation from National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation

Butler's Automotive program has updated its curriculum to receive accreditation from NATEF.
Butler Community College’s Automotive Technology program received reaffirmation of National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) accreditation on March 16. Butler has maintained its NATEF accreditation for more than 15 years.
This year, the NATEF added new program requirements that encouraged Butler to update the automotive technology program’s curriculum. These curricular changes will equip Butler’s students with extensive training for their Automotive Service Excellence Certification (ASE) as Automotive Technicians.
“All aspects of our program are aligned to drive one, over-arching goal: to uphold high quality standards of excellence in automotive service,” said Mark Jaye, Butler’s assistant automotive technology professor.
Jaye said the updated ASE program will allow automotive technology students to obtain valuable technological, automotive and professional skills that future employers require.
Founded in 1983 as a non-profit organization, National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) was created to improve the quality of automotive technician training programs nationwide. NATEF achieves their mission by examining an automotive program’s organization, resources and quality of training and comparing them to the automotive industry standards. These standards reflect the skills students must master for the industry. NATEF also works to increase career awareness opportunities in the automotive repair industry.
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