Butler Features Artist Dale Strattman

Silver Gelatin Showing at Erman B. White Gallery
El Dorado, Kan. – The photography of Dale Strattman, a Wichita native, will be the highlight of this month’s art show hosted by Butler Community College’s Art Department. The show, entitled “Silver Gelatin,” will be displayed from Friday, August 30 to Saturday, September 28 in the Erman B. White Gallery. Its title refers to a traditional photographic process that is rarely used in modern photography, but that Strattman used diligently to create the photos showcased in the exhibit.
“Even though the silver gelatin based photographic process is no longer the principal method of producing images, it is my chosen medium of expression,” said Strattman in his artist’s statement on the show. “For me it’s all about an inherent photographic beauty.”
Strattman will be giving a gallery talk on September 26 at 3 p.m. in the Erman B. White Gallery. A reception will be held in the gallery from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the 700 Building on Butler’s El Dorado Campus that evening. For additional information about the show, contact Trisha Coates at tcoates1@butlercc.edu or 316.200.5986.
The Erman B. White Gallery is open to the community from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday-Friday. The gallery will be closed on Labor day.
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