Fine Arts, Mass Communications Scholarship Days to be held in February | Butler Community College

Fine Arts, Mass Communications Scholarship Days to be held in February

Students singing in a choir at Butler Community College
Published: Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

Books, tuition costs are covered to those awarded with scholarships

El Dorado, Kan. – The Butler Community College fine arts and mass communications departments will hold Scholarship Days on February 7 and 8. Students interested in these programs can sign up for interviews, auditions, and/or portfolio reviews to be considered for a scholarship.

Potential music/theatre students will audition, and mass communications students will present portfolios of art, photography, and/or writing, as well as go through an interview process.

Each department will offer multiple activity scholarships. Activity scholarships cover the cost of in-state tuition and books. Recipients of these scholarships are given the opportunity to work hands-on in these fields regardless of their major. Students are able to perform throughout the state, write stories, broadcast events and showcase their skills in an environment akin to the professional industry.

Scholarship Days are an annual event that attracts many potential students each year. For more information, contact Sam Sparks at 316.322.3221 or