ProFM Credential for Facilities Management

BETA Set to Offer ProFM Facility Management Credential Program
Andover, Kansas – To ensure facility professionals and the Facilities Management (FM) profession at large keep up with the changing demands on the industry, the Business Education Training Analysis (BETA) division of Butler Community College is announcing its partnership with the Professional Facility Management Institute (ProFMI) to offer ProFM® Credential Program courses.
The ProFM credential is the most significant advancement in years to support the FM profession and the success of its professionals. Combined with Butler Community College’s courses, ProFM Credential Program will help ensure students have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in FM.
“Today’s FM professionals need a broad range of skills, expanding beyond traditional facilities management tasks, to optimize building performance, develop business strategies and satisfy building occupants. And while demand for facility professionals is growing around the world, a lack of universally accepted standards and training make it difficult for employers to identify and hire proven talent,” said Jon Cressler, BETA chief business development officer.
Whether you are already working in facilities management and want the credential for professional growth, or you are wanting to enter the industry, this program will be beneficial. The credentialing program provides job applicants a clear standard to differentiate themselves from other applicants and provides employers a way to identify a true skill level during the hiring process. The program is 100% online.
ProFM accomplishes this by being:
- Relevant & Current: The ProFM Body of Knowledge, the basis of the ProFM credential, is the most current and relevant standard for facility professionals. It goes beyond the traditional definition of FM to reflect all knowledge and skills required of today’s facility professionals.
- Comprehensive: The ProFM Credential Program teaches 19 functional knowledge areas and five cross-functional competencies that have never been combined into one complete program previously.
- Applicable: ProFM focuses not only on enhancing knowledge, but also building practical skills to impact facility performance immediately.
- Global: ProFM’s Body of Knowledge reflects the globalization of the facilities management industry from the incorporation of global ISO 41000 standards, the perspectives of international ProFMI Commission members, and input from more than 3,300 professionals in 93 countries.
- Independent: ProFM was developed by facility professionals, for facility professionals. Respected FM thought leaders, employers, and working professionals came together with the common goal of elevating and uniting the FM profession.
“We truly believe ProFM will transform the facility management profession, and help create a new global standard to educate and connect FMs worldwide,” said David Brady, ProFMI Commission member. “We’re thrilled that Butler Community College has joined us in this effort to help facility managers add PRO to their careers.”
For more information or to register for upcoming ProFM Credential Program courses, please visit For more information regarding BETA ProFM courses and other offerings, please call BETA at 316.218.6118 or email BETA is located in Andover, Kansas.
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