Butler Vocal Music Department to Perform Four Concerts March 10-12

Butler Community College Vocal Music Department to present “It’s Time to TRAVEL” at the college’s Fine Arts Auditorium March 10, 11 and 12 at 7:30 p.m. with a matinee Saturday, March 12, at 2 p.m.
EL DORADO, Kan. – Butler’s Vocal Music department will perform four concerts in Butler’s Fine Arts auditorium between Thursday, March 10 and Saturday, March 12. The songs will center around the theme “It’s Time to TRAVEL.”
The ensembles featured are Butler Concert Choir, directed by Matt Udland and accompanied by Joel Knudsen; Chamber Singers, directed by Chad Ingram and accompanied by Helen Griffin; Headliners, directed by Valerie Lippoldt Mack and Chad Ingram and accompanied by Chad Ingram; Headliners Combo, directed by Chad Ingram; A Cappella, directed by Matt Udland; Smorgaschords and Noteables quartets, directed by the vocal music faculty.
The Butler Fine Arts Box Office is open 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Ticket reservations can be made by calling 316-322-3262 or in person at the 700 Building on Butler’s El Dorado campus. Tickets are $5 for adults and $2 for children and senior citizens, and are free with a current Butler ID.
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