Kaelib Harp Named Winner of Business Student Leadership Award

Butler FBLA President recognized for extensive work on state and national levels.
Butler Community College student Kaelib Harp of Wichita has been named the recipient of this year’s Business Student Leader Award.
Harp has served for two years as President of Butler’s chapter of FBLA, where he has lead fundraisers and community service projects and developed a Business Speaker series. In addition, Harp serves as Kansas State FBLA President, where he oversees college chapters and runs state competitions, and he contributes to several FBLA committees at the national level.
“Future Business Leaders of America has had a transformative impact on my life,” Harp said. “The Butler Chapter of FBLA, along with our wonderful advisor Janice Akao, has enabled me to grow in ways I never thought possible.”
This weekend Harp is leading the Butler FBLA delegation at the National Collegiate FBLA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, after he and several other members of the chapter qualified through the state competition in April.
Kaelib plans on pursuing a degree in Human Resources from Fort Hays State University and continuing to be involved in FBLA.
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